The good thing about having full coverage collision insurance is that you can file a claim for damages to your car even if you caused the damages to it. This is one of the top reasons people choose to carry collision insurance on their vehicles, but there are times when filing a claim might not make a lot of sense when you have damage to your car. Here are several thi
- If you own your home, you probably have it insured against loss or damage. This type of insurance will provide you with the protection you need should something happen to your home. It will also provide protection should someone become injured while on your property. However, if you've decided to use your home for rental income, you're going to need more than your bas
- When your child starts to drive, you will be faced with the challenge of making sure that your child has sufficient auto insurance. Younger drivers are notoriously more prone to experiencing accidents, and this can lead these drivers having some unique insurance needs. Opt For Lower Deductibles For Your Young Driver Due to the higher risk of your child being involved
- A homeowner's insurance plan will be necessary for any house that you own. Homeowner's coverage will make sure that your property is covered no matter what happens to it. From a fire to a flood, accidents can happen, and this is why a comprehensive insurance plan is required. When you purchase a second property, you will need to make sure it is just as covered, even w
- If you own car you may think your car insurance policy has everything covered. If you research your policy, however, you may find you do not have as much coverage as you think. To help you determine this, below are two policies you should consider adding to your car insurance. Uninsured or Under Insured Coverage At least liability car insurance is required in most sta